
Featuring Trends in Banking

Global Intelligence, Pricing & Value Research, Product Development & Processing, Pace of Global Regulatory Changes and Technological Landscape Adaptation – micro/macro. Current and future technologies (AI, Block Chain, Cryptocurrency, Data Mining, Bitcoin etc.) Market Economics and Econometrics. Offshore Banking Management and Legal Barriers. Risk Management and its implications, evaluations, research models, tools and Global Regulatory prudential norms & its’ organizational adaptability and implementations. Operational Governance and developing model for full cycle modus operandi. Digital banking and multi-channelization, Client management of multi complex products operations from Treasury, Investments, Trades to Retail – development of a complete strategic Imperatives empowering cliental resource on 360 degree platform.

Author is a Fin-tech Entrepreneur having excellent track record of over 20 years of banking and financial industry in U.A.E, Saudi Arabia and India. Wide-range of experience in Corporate & Wholesale Banking, Treasury, Investment Banking, Funds, Corporate, Commercial, Credit, Cash, Trade Finance, & Islamic Operations.
Outclass expertise in Products & Regulatory Controls, Risk Management, in “Business Modeling” focused on bespoke client products along with technology adoption. Proven in-depth understanding of micro/macro financial market econometrics, Offshore, Cross Border Banking and Legal Barriers.

Major Strengths:
• Debt & Asset Management
• Treasury, Investment & Funds
• Credit Management & Product Development
• Structured products and Restructuring
• Hedging and Derivative Markets
• FinTech & Reg Tech Advisory

Expert in Regional/Global Regulatory operational management having exemplary accolades in Islamic Banking with high end achievements in structured products.
Expertise in Global Intelligence, Value Research, Product Development & Processing, projects related to current global disruptive technological changes & its adaptation through FinTech Landscape – micro/macro.
Author is a Fintech Writer, Market Researcher, Speaker & Panelist in various International Banking & Technology Forums: Terrapin, Clear stream/Euroclear, Fleming, BII, Allan Lloyds, Trescon, Alpha-one, PWC, Finastra Universe – Misys-Connect etc.

Mirza Ashraf Beg
Mirza Ashraf Beg

Author is a Fin-tech entrepreneur having excellent track record of over 20 years of banking and financial industry in U.A.E, Saudi Arabia and India. Wide-range of experience in Corporate & Wholesale Banking, Treasury, Investment Banking, Funds, Corporate, Commercial, Credit, Cash, Trade Finance, & Islamic Operations.